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animan creates the best of both worlds for anime and manga animan is the combination of the best of both worlds for anime and manga fans alike. It was created due to the interest I gained in anime and manga during the 2020 COVID-19 quarantine. I learned some main points in the community and many fans have come to agree that it's hard to find a good place to watch anime and manga seamlessly together. So with this pain point found I created animan being the perfect place for both anime streaming and manga reading. 



Adobe XD






Streaming Service

Identity Design

Flow 1

- The sign up process being quick and simple

- Picking the preferred genre

- Choosing desired show then enjoying

Flow 2

- Introducing the main feature of the website       being the switch button

- Going to the menu button and picking

  preferred genre 

- Picking your choice of manga and showing

  how the reading function works

Flow 3

- Introducing the seaarch function being helpful like it always has been

- Showing off the seamless switch button from one side to anotherr when already on either a anime or manga

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